Monday, March 7, 2011

The Customer Advantage - like Groupon only better - you get paid to save!

This is not "information protection" related, but it's too good not to share. You've probably heard about Groupon (the fastest growing business ever), well, check out The Customer Advantage and let me know if you agree it may do even better than Groupon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

America's Safety, Security, Success Card - what a value at 40% off the $29.95 price

Explore the benefits of The Great American Portfolio which includes many benefits such as the Great American Identity Protection

Preventive identity protection is vital for your safety today. With Great American you can get up to 4 related family members residing in the same location with one account. Our program has the necessary components to help prevent identity theft, restore your identity, and prevent future incidences from taking place.
If your identity profile has been detected as having been tampered with all restoration work is performed on your behalf by qualified Identity Theft Paralegal Specialists who take a complete hands on approach to protecting you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What have you been hearing about the risks of a "Data Breach" and identity theft?

About eight months ago my associates and I began learning about the growing problems of personal identity theft. Today we are positioned to assist people and businesses understand the threat to our reputations, finances, and (with medical fraud) our very lives that happens when there is a "data breach".

With the launch of our blog today you and your business will have a reliable source for awareness and understanding of the rapidly changing world of illegal activities and the Federal and State responses.  The requirements placed on all busineeses today are evolving quickly and as we all know "ignorance of the Law is no excuse".  Compliance is mandatory and the fines and punsihment can be severe.

Identity theft and information "loss" are problems that will be with us forever. Just having more and more information won't help you unless you have a resource to help you figure out what it means for you personally. My Team and I are committed to being your most valuable resource.