NEW GrouponType business opportunity - now you can get paid to save!

Have you heard of the new Groupon like website? It's the same thing as Groupon except when someone signs up through your referral link you earn 5% commission of the coupon purchase price, if they or anyone they sign up ever buys a coupon.  Great improvement!        

It is 100% free to join. You can earn 5% up to 5 levels deep! Join here: No cost, no risk, and you’ll get a website just like mine – all FREE.

This is “pre-launch” with about 1,000 people joining daily – all by “invitation only”.  No coupons until the launch date, but why wait? TCA may grow more quickly than Groupon and look what they did:

Daily deals website Groupon Inc. saw its revenue surge to $760 million last year from $33 million the previous year and has grown to more than 4,000 employees and expanded to 565 cities at the end of 2010, up from about 120 employees and 30 cities in 2009. They grew from 400 subscribers in December 2008 to over 30,000,000 (US) today. Groupon spurned a $6 billion takeover bid from Google Inc. in December 2010 and went on to raise $950 million in financing from private investors early this year. Check out this CHART of the growth rate for Groupon 

The founder of TCA is projecting 10,000,000 members the 1st year, how many will be in your group?  Join now and let’s find out…..
I joined March 2nd as #42,140. Take a minute to sign up now and find out how fast your Customer Advantage group can grow.

Bruce Inman – contact me with questions HERE
Independent Associate of The Customer Advantage

P.S. If you sign up a business and they ever offer a coupon, you get 2% of all of their coupon sales! We can also help charities and our favorite non-profit groups raise money. It’s a no-brainer WIN-WIN.